At conception each normal human being receives 23 chromosomes from each parent; 22 autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.
Each woman contributes an x sex chromosome and each man may contribute either an x or a y chromosome. If a y chromosome is donated, the child will be male, and if an x chromosome is donated by the father, the child will be female. It is the father who determines the sex of the child.
The simplest patterns of genetic transmission are dominant and recessive inheritance.
Birth defects and diseases are generally transmitted through simple dominant, recessive, or sex-linked inheritance or by genome imprinting.
Prenatal development is a genetically directed process that occurs in three stages.
The germinal stage includes the first two weeks of development after conception. It is characterized by rapid cell division, increasing complexity and differentiation, and implantation on the wall of the uterus.
The embryonic stage lasts from 2 to 8 weeks and is characterized by rapid growth and development of major body systems and organs.
The fetal stage is the final stage of gestation from 8 weeks until the birth of the baby. It is characterized by increased detail of body parts and greatly enlarged body size.
¿Cómo se determina el sexo?
Herencia Dominante
Cuando la relación es 3 a 1
Características Dominantes recesivas
Color de ojos oscuros claros
Color de pelo negro rubio
Forma de cabello rizado liso
Estatura alta baja
Tipo de labios gruesos delgados
Enfermedades Acondroplasia normal
Huntington normal
Herencia Recesiva
Acromatopsia (ceguera para los colores)
Sordomudez congénita
Hemeralopía (ceguera nocturna)
Tay-Sachs (deterioro del sistema nervioso)
Ultrasound is a non-invasive technique that uses sound waves programmed into a computer to visualize the baby, the placenta, and small details such as the chambers and valves of the heart. It is the most common and least expensive of fetal assessment tools.
Servicios sociales
Conserjería y servicios nutricionales
Prevención de muerte materna e infantil
Prevención de complicaciones del parto
Escenarios y acompañantes en el parto
Parto en hospital
Parto en el hogar
Centro alternativo de parto
El recién nacido
Tamaño y aspecto 7.5 lbs and is approximately 20 inches long
Sistemas corporales independent air breathing people who can regulate their own body temperature, eliminate, suck, cry, move, and attract attention on their own. recognizing the smell, sight, and sound of the mother as distinct from everyone else
Supervivencia y salud
Valoración médica y neurológica
The Apgar Scale physical health
Brazelton interactive capabilities of the baby.
Complicaciones del nacimiento
Low birthweight babies are at risk for illness and death. Socioeconomic status and prenatal environment are two factors that influence low birthweight.
Desarrollo físico temprano
Principios del desarrollo
cephalocaudal and proximodistal principles
Crecimiento fisiológico
grow fastest during the first three years